Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences: Align Program Microsite
A microsite made for Khoury College of Computer Science’s Align program. Align helps non-CS majors transition into a CS degree.
Slightly more information
Big images, big text, big requirement for words in squares. For the latter two, we built a scaling type system. This scaling type system works by adjusting font sizes and line heights automatically as the screen is resized. By making these adjustments, your boxes full of words look and perform better than they otherwise would as you move from phone to desktop.
Also, as one of the Khoury collection of sites, the Align site again was an extension of the design language in our previous work with Khoury (as seen on their main site and the Institute microsite). Besides extending existing administrative controls, the back-end we built allows Khoury to easily manage its grids, videos, and full-width highlights. With additional controls for program pages, campus-based sub-pages, and student profile mini-blogs, this was another successful expansion of the Khoury CMS system. We developed this project as part of a Boston-area agency.
Technical information, &c.
- WordPress custom themes and support, development. HTML, CSS, Less, CSS animation, CSS grids, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Grunt, PostCSS, Git, Advanced Custom Fields.
- Transformed Sketch design into working Web pages. Worked with designers to maintain design intent throughout review process.
- Custom slideshows, lightboxes, and accordions for client sites.
- Interactive features, animations.