

I’ve made websites, given talks, done musics, self-published, self-financed, bootstrapped, made things worn by famous people, and made art for years and years all over the Eastern US.

Things I would like to do: Things related to the above that are cool and help the world in a tangible way.

Things you can keep for yourself: Things that are boring, things that hurt others, things that are uncool, things that are cool that still manage to hurt others. Life is too short to work on things such as that. Sorry, but it’s true!

Portrait of Paul Kruczynski, in a meeting, with minor artistic liberties
I once read that an about page should have a picture of you on it because "you wouldn’t buy something from a shopkeeper wearing a bag on their head". Context matters, though: is it a bag store? Am I shopping for bags as hats, bags as bags, or bags as other? Anyway, this is not a store of bags nor of any other items as of yet—so no picture. Rest assured, I'm 99.693% certain to not be wearing a bag on my head.