2Blades Foundation
2Blades Foundation develops improved crop yields by advancing the science of agriculture.
Slightly more information
As part of a new identity for 2Blades, we developed a new website to go along with it. Being busy scientists, 2Blades staff needs a web solution that is easy to manage. Therefore, we built time-saving features into the site, allowing 2Blades to easily update their evolving project and staff information. One such feature was connecting the staff profiles to project and group pages. Once a staff member’s profile page is updated, the other pages are updated at the same time.
The status bar on each project page was also built with simplicity in mind. To update a project’s status, first 2Blades enters the numbers as text. Next, web standard code translates those numbers into the status bar on the page. Another example of our simplicity-first approach to site management, we made a custom interactive feature for the “How We Work” page. It, too, relies on a easy-to-update admin interface. In both of these examples, we used no third-party plugins to create these features.
The new site and client relationship worked so well we continued to add new features in the years following the initial site launch. For example, we rebuilt the main navigation to fit new sections added to the site. As a more complex example, we built a new section for 2Blades groups around the world. This feature needed us to connect the new groups section into the staff profiles, news, and project pages—just like the original staff and project pages mentioned above. Successfully added, the groups section can now show 2Blades’ worldwide presence. We developed this project as part of a Boston-area agency.
Technical information, &c.
- WordPress custom theme development. HTML, CSS, Less, CSS animation, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Grunt, PostCSS, Git, Advanced Custom Fields.
- Converted Photoshop files into working Web pages. Worked with designers to maintain design intent through review process.
- Developed custom slideshows, lightboxes, and accordions.
- Built custom interactive feature detailing 2Blades Foundation’s process for product development.
- Relationship management, development. Integrated new features as required over time.
- Managed online and in-person training for the 2Blades staff. Training included written documentation, support via phone, email, and Basecamp.